

SNAP Iunior

SNAP Iunior SNAP Junior is the perfect opportunity to discover how much fun it can be to pretend to be a member of the Italian Parliament. Together with your classmates and other young students like you, from other schools, you will work within a simulated Parliamentary Group, putting into practice everything that normally happens inside …

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IMUN Middle School

IMUN Middle School Italian Model United Nations is a great role-playing game in which students from all schools in Italy participate. Students simulate being ambassadors to the United Nations, a sort of great world parliament in which all states are represented. During the simulation you will learn to use the tricks that real diplomats use …

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SNAP National Simulation of the Parliamentary Assembly SNAP is the simulation of the House of Representatives, a three-day marathon in which you will play the role of a Member of the Republic. You will be part of a parliamentary group, along with other peers from other schools. The aim of the simulation is to debate, …

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Project Editing and Writing for the Press From 14 to 16 April 2025 Press – Project Editing and Writing for the Press is a journalism workshop, aimed at students of Secondary Schools. You will learn how to write an article, how to recognize and dismantle a fake news story, and you will collaborate with your …

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IMUN Italian Model United Nations The Italian Model United Nations is the largest UN model in the world! You will represent a UN member country and will be required to faithfully respect its values and interests, using the UN rules of procedure. Your goal will be to confront, intervene, mediate a position and cooperate to …

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