

National Model
United Nations

From 4 to 11 April 2025

NMUN is the largest and most prestigious UN simulation held in New York for university students. In the Big Apple, a stone’s throw from Times Square, more than 5,000 students from 130 countries meet every year to compare their ideas and define new strategies. During the Model United Nations, students exchange ideas in English with peers from other countries around the world, using the United Nations’ rules of procedure and addressing the same issues that real ambassadors discuss inside the Glass Palace every day. The work is coordinated by the international staff of the NCCA (National Collegiate Conference Association).

The Training

In order to best approach the simulation, students, in the months leading up to their departure, participate in the Delegate Training Course. All our lessons are interactive and take place in English. The Delegate Training Course is divided into four lessons. It is also possible to participate in the course in e-learning mode. Participating students, in addition to having an intense training experience during the simulation, will have the opportunity to meet the diplomats working at the Permanent Representations (mission briefing).

Day 1
Departure for US
Welcome to NYC

Departure from Italy and arrival in New York. Transfer by bus to the hotel (Hilton Midtown New York).

Day 2
Tourists in NY

We are in the heart of Manhattan. The day is free, and we will have the opportunity to enjoy the lights of Times Square, stroll along Fifth Avenue, and relax in the green lung of New York: Central Park.

Day 3
Committe session 1
NMUN begins

The morning will be at your disposal to explore the rest of the city. In the afternoon, NMUN officially begins! After attending the Opening Ceremony, you will face the first Committee Session.This morning is also available for you to wander through the streets of the Big Apple. In the afternoon, you will be engaged in two more committee sessions.

Day 4
Committe session 2-3
Committee Session

This morning is also available for you to wander through the streets of the Big Apple. In the afternoon, you will be engaged in two more committee sessions.

Day 5
Committe session 4-5
Committee Session

An intense day of work awaits. Three Committee Sessions are scheduled. If you haven't had the chance to deliver your first speech in the committee yet, this is the right day!

Day 6
Delegate Dance
Let's Dance!

After the last two committee sessions, hurry to prepare yourself for the Delegate Dance, a grand party with all the participating students of the Model United Nations.

Day 7
Closing ceremony
Plenary session

On Day 7, the award ceremony will take place in a grand Plenary Session in the morning. In the afternoon, everyone will uncover the last secrets of New York. We suggest enjoying the view of NY from the top of the Empire State Building.

Day 8
Departure for Italy
Last day

It's time to pack your bags, but not before enjoying the last morning in the Big Apple and taking the final photo in Times Square. Afterwards, we will head to the airport and depart for Italy.

Day 9
Return to Italy
It was fantastuc

It has been an incredible experience! NMUN-New York ends here, with the return to Italy. We bid farewell with the images of New York still fresh in our minds and the hope of reliving this adventure together next year.


The answers you seek

All students enrolled in Italian universities can take part in NMUN.

You can register online by clicking on the following link.

Costs for participation in NMUN are listed in the information materials distributed at the universities. You can request more information by sending an email to info@unitednetwork.it or by calling our office.

The National Model United Nations project is conducted in English.


All students enrolled in Italian universities can take part in NMUN.

Student participation in the simulation is on a sliding scale. Students who do not complete their registration in the required time frame will be placed on a waiting list.

Costs for participation in NMUN are listed in the information materials distributed at the universities. You can request more information by sending an email to info@unitednetwork.it or by calling our office.

The National Model United Nations project is conducted in English.

The Delegate Training Course will consist of four lessons.

MUN Training Course

  1. History and structure of the United Nations;
  2. What is a Model United Nations;
  3. Rules of Procedure;
  4. How to draft a resolution;
  5. Committees and Topics;
  6. Public Speaking;

MUN Substantive Training Course

  1. Committees and Topics (Advanced);
  2. How to research the represented country;
  3. How to write a position paper.

Individual Study

Students will be required to write a position paper in English, outlining the position of the represented country in a brief and concise manner. Students will be guided in this process by the teaching staff, in order to provide support both in terms of language and content.

Advanced Substantive Training Course and Pre-departure briefing

  1. How to write a resolution (Advanced);
  2. Pre-departure briefing.

National Model United Nations

Delegate Training Course

To enable students to successfully participate in the simulation, the Delegate Training Course is provided.

The Delegate Training Course takes place in the months leading up to the Model United Nations. The course consists of an 8-hour training day and will be held at a location that will be communicated in advance. It includes a combination of classroom instruction and direct interaction, covering the following topics:

1) History and structure of the United Nations;
2) What is a Model United Nations;
3) Rules of procedure;
4) Drafting a resolution;
5) Committees and topics;
6) Public speaking.

The phases of the Model United Nations

Individual Study

Preparation of draft resolutions and position papers as indicated by tutors.

Back office

Assisted by the tutors, students will develop shared working methods on cloud platforms.

Italian Model United Nations

The most important part of the project is the simulation, which takes place in Rome.

1° modulo

Corso di Formazione (8 ore)

Il primo modulo si articola in una giornata di formazione presso l’Institut Français di Napoli. Le lezioni affronteranno i seguenti argomenti:

1) La nascita dell’Unione europea;
2) L’organizzazione ed il funzionamento delle istituzioni europee;
3) Il Parlamento europeo;
4) La Simulazione del Parlamento europeo – ed il ruolo dei deputati europei.

2° modulo

Studio individuale (24 ore)

Preparazione delle bozze di risoluzione e dei position paper come indicato dai tutor.

3° modulo

Back office (20 ore)

Coadiuvati dai tutor, gli studenti svilupperanno metodi di lavoro condivisi su Google Classroom.

4° modulo

Nous Les Européens (18 ore)

Before departure to the city of Boston, the Delegate Training Course will take place, consisting of four lessons. The preparatory lessons are conducted online.

Lesson 1 (4 hours)

1) United Nations History;
2) United Nations System.

Lesson 2 (4 hours)

1) Rules of Procedures;
2) Public Speaking;
3) Model UN test.

Lesson 3 (4 hours)

1) Rules of Procedures;
2) Public Speaking;
3) Model UN test.

Lesson 4 (4 hours)

1) Advanced strategies;
2) Resolutions.

Final Meeting

During the meeting, information will be given to participants and parents about the departure.

Individual Study

Before participating in the Model United Nations, all students will be required to write a position paper in English, a brief and concise document outlining the represented country’s stance. The students will be guided in this process by the educational staff, aiming to support them both linguistically and content-wise. The position paper will also be evaluated by the board staff of HMUN.

Harvard Model United Nations

For this project, the school, at its discretion, may grant 70 hours of recognition for the Cross-Curricular Skills and Guidance Paths (Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento), subject to a free subscription with United Network Europe.


Before departure to the city of New York, the Delegate Training Course will take place, consisting of four lessons. The preparatory lessons are conducted in a blended learning format.

MUN Training Course (8 h) - in-person, in the month of December

There will be alternating moments of frontal teaching and direct interaction, covering the following topics:

1) History and structure of the United Nations;
2) What is a Model United Nations;
3) Rules of procedure;
4) Drafting a resolution;
5) Committees and topics;
6) Public speaking.

MUN Substantive Training Course (3 h) - online, mid-February

1) Committees and topics;
2) How to study the country represented?
3) How to make a position paper?

Advanced Procedural Training Course (6 h) - In-person, late January/early February

Individual study

1) Rules of procedure (advanced);
2) Strategy in committee (advanced);
3) Simulation test;
4) Public speaking (advanced).

Advanced Substantive Training Course e briefing prior to Departure (3 h) - Online, mid-February

1) How to Write a Resolution (Advanced) (2 hours);
2) Pre-departure briefing (1 hour) – attendance at this meeting is open and strongly recommended to parents as well.


Individual Study

Before participating in the Model United Nations, all students will be required to write a position paper in English, which will succinctly outline the represented country’s stance. The students will be guided in the development of their papers by the teaching staff and project coordinators of the school, aiming to support them both in terms of language and content. The position paper will also be evaluated by the simulation’s board staff.

Model United Nations

The simulation of the United Nations General Assembly will take place in the city of New York.

Before departure to the city of San Francisco the Delegate Training Course will take place, consisting of four lessons. The preparatory lessons are conducted online.

Lesson 1 (4 hours)

1) United Nations History;
2) United Nations System.

Lesson 2 (4 hours)

1) Rules of Procedures;
2) Public Speaking;
3) Model UN test.

Lesson 3 (4 hours)

1) Rules of Procedures;
2) Public Speaking;
3) Model UN test.

Lesson 4 (4 hours)

1) Advanced strategies;
2) Resolutions.

Final meeting

During the meeting, information will be given to participants and parents about the departure.

Individual Study

Before participating in the Model United Nations, all students will be required to write a position paper in English, a brief and concise document outlining the represented country’s stance. The students will be guided in this process by the educational staff, aiming to support them both linguistically and content-wise. The position paper will also be evaluated by the board staff of BMUN.


For this project, the school, at its discretion, may grant 70 hours of recognition for the Cross-Curricular Skills and Guidance Paths (Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento), subject to a free subscription with United Network Europe.

1° modulo

MUN Training Course (18 ore – il modulo si articola in sei lezioni di 3 ore ciascuna)

1) Storia e struttura delle Nazioni Unite;
2) Cos’è un Model United Nations. Regole di procedura (parte I);
3) Regole di procedura (parte II). Prova di simulazione;
4) Studio del paese rappresentato (geografia, economia, politica interna ed estera). Come redigere un position paper; committees and topics;
5) Public speaking;
6) Come redigere una risoluzione.

2° modulo

Individual Study (20 ore)

Nel secondo modulo gli studenti sono chiamati a scrivere un elaborato in lingua inglese, il position paper, in cui tracciare in modo breve e sintetico la posizione del paese rappresentato. Gli studenti saranno guidati nell’elaborazione dallo staff didattico. Il position paper sarà poi oggetto di valutazione da parte dello staff board della simulazione.

3° modulo

Harvard World Model United Nations (20 ore)

La fase più importante del progetto è la simulazione, che si svolge a Tokyo (Giappone).

Training Course

The course is structured as an 8-hour training day and will cover the following topics:

1) History and Constitutional Law. The Parliament, the Government and its functions;  
2) Regulation of the Chamber of Deputies and Rules of Operation of the Simulation;
3) How to write a bill. Topics covered during the simulation (the students will already be distributed within the 4 committees);
4) Simulation test.

Individual Study

Preparation of draft resolutions and position papers as directed by tutors.

Back Office

Assisted by tutors, students will develop methods of shared work in Google Classroom.

SNAP - National Simulation Parliamentary Assembly

Training Course

The Training Course will have a total duration of 6 hours. The course will be held at your institution or at a local school.

The lessons will address the following topics:

1) The organs of the state and their functions: the Parliament, the President of the Republic, the Government, the Judiciary, the Constitutional Court;
2) Function of the Chamber of Deputies and composition of parliamentary groups;
3) Regulation of simulation;
4) The legislative process, bills, amendments.

Unique Module

DELEGATE Training Course (6 Hours)

The Delegate Training Course will have a total duration of 6 hours. The course will be held at your institution or at a local delegate school. The lessons will cover the following topics:

1) History and structure of the United Nations;
2) What is a Model United Nations;
3) Rules of Procedure;
4) How to draft a resolution;
5) Committees and topics;
6) Public speaking.